Expert Relocation Lawyers in St. Johns, FL: Guiding You Through Legal Transitions

For individuals and families, it is crucial to understand the legal aspects and emotional realities of such a move. Our relocation lawyers in St. Johns, FL, specialize in guiding clients through these transitions, ensuring compliance with Florida law and advocating for their best interests.

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Legal Considerations

Florida law requires any parent wishing to relocate more than 50 miles from their current residence to obtain a mutual agreement with the other parent or a court order. This law protects the child's best interests, maintaining stability and consistent access to both parents.

Filing a Relocation Petition

If both parents agree to the relocation, they can sign a written agreement detailing the new visitation schedule and transportation arrangements. They must submit this agreement to the court for approval. The relocating parent must petition the court when a mutual agreement is impossible. The relocation petition must include the following:

  • The new address and proposed moving date.
  • Detailed reasons for the move.
  • A new visitation and transportation plan.

The other parent has 20 days to object to the petition. The court will then schedule a hearing to review the case.

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Factors the Court Considers

In relocation cases, the court evaluates several factors to determine whether the move benefits the child's best interests. These factors include:

  • Child’s Relationship with Both Parents: The court examines the strength and impact of the child’s relationships with custodial and non-custodial parents.
  • Age and Needs of the Child: Younger children and those with special needs may require more stability.
  • Quality of Life: The potential positive impact on the child's quality of life, such as better schools or living conditions, plays a significant role.
  • Reasons for Relocation: The court considers the reasons behind the move, whether for employment, family support, or other valid motivations.
  • Impact on Visitation: The feasibility of maintaining the child’s relationship with the non-relocating parent, including the new visitation arrangements and travel costs.

Emotional and Practical Considerations

Relocation after divorce involves more than legal compliance. It also requires managing emotional and practical aspects to ensure a smooth transition.

Impact on Children

Children may experience confusion, anxiety, or sadness due to the move and the changes it brings. Open communication and reassurance from both parents can help ease this transition. Parents should also consider counseling for their children to provide additional support.

Logistical Planning

Successful relocation depends on detailed logistical planning. Secure housing, enroll children in new schools and establish a local support system well before the move. Inform the cooperating parent about any changes or events affecting the visitation schedule.

Employment and Finances

Evaluate job prospects in the new location. Verify the cost of living and other financial implications of the move. Our law firm can assist with navigating these financial considerations, ensuring the move aligns with long-term economic stability.

Role of a Law Firm

Relocation challenges require experienced legal guidance. Our relocation attorneys in St. Johns, FL, offer comprehensive support, including:

  • Legal Advice: Understand your rights and obligations under Florida law.
  • Filing Petitions and Agreements: Assistance in preparing and filing relocation petitions or agreements.
  • Representing in Court: Skilled representation during hearings to advocate for your child's best interests.
  • Mediation Services: Facilitate negotiations to reach favorable agreements outside of court.
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Relocation Lawyer in St. Johns, FL

Proper preparation and expert legal support can help ensure a smoother transition for you and your children. The Florida Women’s Law Group in St. Johns, FL, stands ready to assist you, from filing petitions to representing your interests in court. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can support your relocation needs. You can contact us via a message form on our website. Either way, we’ll begin to work on your case with the determination and diligence we are known for. 

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