Dedicated Family Law Attorney for Women’s Issues in St. Johns, FL

Families facing legal challenges in Florida need knowledgeable and dedicated legal assistance to protect their interests and well-being. Having a family law attorney in St. Johns, FL, who specializes in women’s issues can make an enormous difference in the outcome. Some areas that fall under the umbrella of family law are listed below.

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Divorce often represents one of the most taxing experiences in a person's life. It involves the legal termination of a marriage and encompasses various complementary processes, including the division of assets and liabilities. The court's primary goal is marital property distribution and dissolution of the marriage. Both parties present their cases, and the court considers factors such as the length of the marriage, contributions to marital property, and each person's financial standing.

Child Custody and Support

Child custody involves determining the most suitable living and custodial arrangements for children after parents separate. The court focuses on the child’s best interests, considering the parents’ ability to tend to their developmental needs and provide a safe environment. Substance abuse and domestic violence are also a consideration.

Custody arrangements can be sole or joint, based on what's most beneficial for the child's welfare. Child support ensures the financial stability of the child. Calculations consider each parent's income, the amount of time spent with each parent, and any special needs the child might have. The support covers necessities like food, shelter, clothing, needs,  education and medical care.

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Alimony, or spousal support, provides financial assistance to a lower-earning spouse following a divorce. Florida courts award alimony based on the need and ability to pay. Several types of alimony exist, including temporary, bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, and permanent. The court assesses factors such as the length of the marriage, the standard of living, and the financial resources of each party. Temporary alimony provides support during the divorce process. Bridge-the-gap alimony assists with short-term needs while transitioning to a single life. Rehabilitative alimony supports a spouse in gaining education or training to become self-sufficient. Durational alimony offers financial support for a set period in shorter marriages. Permanent alimony can be awarded in long-term marriages when one spouse cannot achieve the same standard of living.


Establishing paternity in Florida involves identifying the legal father of a child. This process offers several benefits, including securing child support, inheritance rights, and access to medical history. Paternity can be established through an affirmation signed by both parents or through court proceedings if there are disputes.

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Domestic Violence

Domestic violence impacts many families and involves more than physical abuse. It includes emotional, psychological, and economic abuse. Victims can seek protection through restraining orders, which prevent the abuser from making contact. The court examines evidence and testimony to determine the necessity of protective measures, ensuring the safety and security of the victim and their family.

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Adoption provides a legal means for individuals or couples to become parents of a child. This process requires compliance with several legal standards and procedures. In St. Johns, FL, adoption involves home studies, background checks, and court hearings to finalize the adoption. Adoptive parents must demonstrate their ability to provide a supportive and nurturing environment for the child.

Military Family Law

Military families face unique legal challenges due to their service commitments. Family law cases involving military personnel must consider factors such as deployment, relocation, and federal laws like the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act (USFSPA). This act influences the division of military pensions during divorce proceedings.

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Mediation and Collaborative Law

Mediation and collaborative law provide alternative dispute-resolution methods for families looking to avoid courtroom battles. Mediation involves a neutral third party who assists both sides in reaching an agreeable solution. Collaborative law requires both parties and their attorneys to commit to resolving disputes outside of court, focusing on cooperation and open communication.

Florida Women's Law Group in St. Johns, FL

Family law in St. Johns, FL, encompasses a variety of issues that affect the dynamics of family life. Whether dealing with divorce, child custody, alimony, or adoption, families benefit from experienced legal assistance to navigate these complex matters. Family law attorneys in St. Johns, FL, strive to provide comprehensive support, safeguarding the interests and future of their clients.
If you need help, call the Florida Women's Law Group in St. Johns, FL. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our legal team, and use our message form on our website.

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Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence involves physical, emotional, or psychological abuse within a household. Often, it occurs between spouses, partners, or other family members.

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Paternity refers to the legal relationship between a father and his child. 

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Nuptial Agreements

Nuptial Agreements

Nuptial agreements, called prenuptial and postnuptial, provide couples in St. Johns, FL, with a safeguard for their financial and personal interests. 

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