Understanding Child Support in Florida

In Florida, child support calculations follow specific guidelines that include the income of both parents, the number of children, and the percentage of time each parent spends with the children. At the Florida Women’s Law Group, we understand your concerns for the safety and well-being of your children. We will work to ensure that child support and custody arrangements are fair and in the children's best interest. Our child support lawyers in St. Johns, FL, will also pursue any delayed or absent child support payments.

Determining Child Support

Florida uses an "income shares" model to determine child support. This model estimates how much parents would spend on their children if the family remained intact. This total is then divided based on each parent's income. The primary factors considered in determining child support include:

  • The gross income of both parents
  • Health insurance expenses for the children
  • Childcare costs
  • The standard needs of the child

Modifying Child Support

Changes in circumstances may necessitate modifications to existing child support orders. Significant changes in income, loss of employment, or changes in the child's needs can justify a modification. A parent seeking a modification must file a petition with the court demonstrating a substantial change in circumstances since the original order.

Child Custody in Florida

In Florida, custody is "parental responsibility" and focuses on the child's best interests when making custody decisions. The state encourages parents to share responsibilities whenever possible to ensure that both remain involved in their children's lives. A child custody attorney in St. Johns, FL, will help ensure what happens is in the child’s best interests.

Types of Parental Responsibility

Florida recognizes two types of parental responsibility: shared and sole.

  • Shared Parental Responsibility: The court awards shared parental responsibility when it believes both parents should continue making decisions affecting the child's welfare. Shared responsibility includes decisions about education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.
  • Sole Parental Responsibility: Sole custody occurs when shared responsibility is not in the child's best interest due to concerns about a parent's ability to make sound decisions or the presence of harmful behavior.

Time-Sharing Arrangements

Along with parental responsibility, the court establishes a time-sharing schedule. This schedule, often called "custody," outlines when the child will spend time with each parent.

Best Interests of the Child

The primary consideration in Florida custody cases is the child's best interests. Courts consider various factors to determine this, including:

  • The ability of each parent to provide a stable environment
  • Parents' moral fitness
  • Mental and physical health of each parent
  • Child's home, school, and community record
  • Reasonable preference of the child, if old enough

Creating a Parenting Plan

Parents must submit a parenting plan to the court that details time-sharing and decision-making responsibilities. A well-crafted parenting plan addresses daily tasks, holiday schedules, and dispute-resolution methods.

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Enforcement and Compliance

Ensuring compliance with child support and custody orders is crucial. Florida courts can enforce orders through various means, including income withholding, contempt of court, and liens on property. Parents facing difficulties adhering to orders should seek legal counsel to address non-compliance issues.

Legal Assistance in Child Support and Custody Matters

Managing child support and custody arrangements can be intricate and an emotional drain. An experienced support and custody lawyer in St. Johns, FL, can provide valuable guidance, protect parental rights, and ensure the best possible outcome for parents and children.

For more information or to schedule a consultation at Florida Women’s Law Group, contact our office. We are committed to helping you through this challenging time and securing a positive future for your family. You can also contact us using the convenient message form on our website.

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