Guiding Post-Divorce Relocations: Expert Lawyers for Florida’s Legal Requirements

A relocation lawyer in Jacksonville, Florida is well-versed in Florida's rigorous legal requirements surrounding post-divorce relocations. These professionals can guide you through the necessary steps to ensure your relocation aligns with state laws, protecting your best interests and those of your children throughout the process.

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What Is Relocation After Divorce in Florida?

Relocation after divorce means moving to a new home, often outside your current county or state, once you dissolve your marriage. In Florida, this process can become complicated when children are involved. According to Florida Statute 61.13001, if one parent plans on relocating more than 50 miles away from their current residence with minor children for more than 60 days, they must obtain permission from the other parent or seek court approval.

Legal Requirements for Relocation in Florida

Florida law requires any parent seeking relocation to provide written notice to the other at least 60 days before the intended move. The detailed notice must include specific information about the relocation, including the address and phone number and the children's education and childcare arrangements.

The non-relocating parent then has 20 days to file a response with the court objecting to the relocation or requesting changes in custody and visitation arrangements. The court will schedule a hearing to review both parties' arguments and determine whether or not the relocation is in the best interests of all involved.

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Best Interests of Children

Florida courts prioritize the children's best interests when deciding on relocation cases. Factors that are considered include:

  • The current relationship between the child and both parents
  • The distance of the proposed move
  • Economic and educational opportunities for the parent seeking relocation
  • Availability of extended family support for both parents
  • Impact on visitation and custody arrangements
  • Any history of domestic violence or abuse within the family dynamic

Having a skilled relocation lawyer in Jacksonville by your side is crucial to present a strong case demonstrating how the proposed move will benefit you and your children.

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Possible Outcomes

The court can grant or deny the relocation, depending on determining what is in the children's best interests. If the court grants permission, the distance between parents' residences may prompt modifications to custody and visitation arrangements. In addition, if the court denies the relocation, it may order that the child(ren) remain in their current residence with one parent.

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Let the Florida Women's Law Group Help You

Our team of dedicated relocation attorneys in Jacksonville specializes in supporting women through these challenging transitions. We are committed to providing personalized legal services tailored to your unique circumstances. Our firm offers comprehensive support, from initial consultations to court representations. We help you understand your legal options and present a strong case that aligns with your best interests.

Our experienced lawyers will work hard to facilitate a favorable outcome. Let Florida Women's Law Group be your trusted partner as you pursue a smoother, brighter future for yourself and your children. Schedule a consultation and learn how we can assist you in making well-informed decisions about your post-divorce relocation. You can also contact us using the convenient message form on our website.

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