Author: FWLG
Date: Dec 29 2020

woman sitting at table with cellphone in her hand

You made it through the divorce and now you must co-parent with your ex. Co-parenting can be challenging especially if the two of you are not on the best of terms. Learning how to share custody and make decisions together when you are no longer married can be difficult. For your children to have healthy relationships with both parents, learning how to work together is in the best interest of everyone involved.

To make things easier there are several apps available that can help you, your ex and other care givers stay organized and keep track of schedules, important documents and contacts. We have put together a list of a few at different price points to help you and your ex hopefully communicate and co-parent better.



Parentship is a stress-free way to keep everyone on the same page and make co-parenting less stressful and complicated. The app offers a customizable dashboard to show upcoming events, coordinated calendars and reminders to ensure events are not forgotten. You can also create a smart profile for each child that includes information on recurring appointments, medications, contacts and other essential information. There is a digital document center that keeps all important documents in one place like, birth certificates, passports, social security numbers and insurance information.

Cost: First month free, then either $3.99/month or $24.99/year



Created by a divorced couple, OurFamilyWizard is designed to keep co-parenting as harmonious as possible. This is a perfect choice for parents who struggle with communication as it has features to help minimize conflict and keep tension low. They have an optional ToneMeter that works like spellcheck and picks up on negative tones in a message and gives alternatives that are less likely to cause conflict. Each parent has their own account which allows them to add other people such as grandparents, therapists and other family members. Communications are all saved to provide documentation for court proceedings. The app also provides a calendar, info bank and expense tracker to help keep everyone in sync and help uncomplicate your co-parenting communications.

Cost: Flexible subscriptions that start at $99/year. The ToneMeter costs and extra $10/year



WeParent was created by Elena Krasnoperova Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford University, using extensive psychological research on the impact of divorce on children. The goal is to reduce the stress and conflict in the relationship between divorced parents to allow them to focus their energy on raising healthy and happy children. WeParent is an all-in-one parenting organizer app where you can see, plan and manage all of your kids' activities and your parenting responsibilities. You can negotiate changes in your custody schedules, organize events, share photos, notes, contacts and documents, and message each other, all in one central place.

Cost: Free 14 day trial, then $9.99/month or $99.99/year

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