Author: FWLG
Date: Jul 10 2015

Determination of alimony in the US can vary greatly from state to state. Courts take a number of factors into account when deciding whether or not to order alimony payments as well as deciding how much to order.

Factors affecting the determination of alimony in Florida can include things like how long the marriage lasted, the standard of living that was established during the marriage, length of separation before divorcing, age and financial resources of each party, and other deciding criteria.

In general, alimony is any legal obligation for one spouse to provide financial support to the other as a result of a separation or divorce. However, there are in fact six different kinds of alimony recognized in the State of Florida with varying degrees of payment and duration. Below is a brief guide to the various types of Florida alimony.

Permanent Alimony

As the name states, permanent alimony continues indefinitely and is usually awarded in divorces of long-term marriages in order to help a spouse continue to live a particular standard of living that was well-established for years. The shorter the marriage, the less likely a court will order permanent alimony.

Temporary Alimony

Again, the name is pretty clear about the duration here. Temporary alimony only lasts for a specific period of time, usually to cover one spouse’s financial needs during divorce proceedings. Also know as “pendente lite,” it usually ends once the divorce is finalized.

Bridge-The-Gap Alimony

This form of alimony is intended to help a spouse ease into financial independence and the monetary changes that will result in his or her life following a divorce. In Florida, it cannot last longer than two years and is meant to be put towards specific, identifiable goals and needs.

Rehabilitative Alimony

This form of alimony generally applies to medium or shorter term marriages and serves the purpose of funding a disadvantaged spouse in rehabilitating career or employment prospects. The money provided through rehabilitative alimony aids the recipient in acquiring education or training that will allow them to financially support themselves in the future. A common example of this is a mother who gave up a career to raise children, and needs support to restart her career.

Durational Alimony

Durational alimony is utilized when other forms of alimony, such as permanent, may be inappropriate for the situation or insufficient. It can be used in concert with another form of alimony and can only last for a maximum of the amount of time the couple was married.

Lump-Sum Alimony

Lump-sum alimony is delivered all at once, in a one-time payment. It can be applied in order to achieve equitable distribution of assets in a divorce agreement. For example, if one spouse gets to keep ownership of a business, the spouse could receive a lump-sum alimony payment equal to the business’s worth.

We understand the financial strain a divorce can put on women, and how important alimony can be to your future comfort and security. Please call Florida Women’s Law Group to discuss what alimony options or other financial recourse could be available to you in your divorce.


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