Author: Olivia Dodd
Date: Apr 19 2024

Narcissism, a personality disorder, characterized by excessive self-importance and a lack of empathy, often manifests in manipulative behaviors that affect those around them. Often, there is a presence of "flying monkeys," individuals who enable and support the narcissist's actions. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for those seeking to break free from the cycle of manipulation and abuse.



Narcissists employ various tactics to maintain control, often utilizing their flying monkeys as instruments of manipulation. These tactics may include spreading rumors, gaslighting, triangulation, and other forms of psychological manipulation, all aimed at undermining the victim's sense of self-worth and autonomy.


Flying monkeys are typically individuals who are either unaware of the narcissist's true nature or choose to ignore it. They may be drawn in by the narcissist's charm and manipulation, or they may have their own motivations for supporting the narcissist, such as gaining favor or avoiding becoming targets themselves.


The relationship between narcissists and their flying monkeys is often characterized by codependency, with both parties relying on each other for validation and control. Breaking free from this toxic dynamic requires establishing boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care and well-being.


Recovery from narcissistic abuse is a challenging journey that often involves therapy, self-reflection, and learning healthy coping mechanisms. By surrounding themselves with a supportive network of individuals who understand their experiences, victims can begin to rebuild their self-esteem and create a life free from manipulation and control.


Understanding the dynamics of narcissism and the role of flying monkeys is a crucial step towards healing and reclaiming one's autonomy and happiness. With time, support, and self-compassion, victims can emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.


Think you may be married to a narcissist? At Florida Women’s Law Group, we’ve established our services to support individuals like you, ensuring you are well-prepared for the significant decisions involved in divorce. Schedule a preliminary call with us, we are here to review your unique situation and provide tailored solutions. Our team is dedicated to standing by you and securing the best possible outcome for your situation.




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