Author: FWLG
Date: Jul 27 2020

lady justice and a globe

I’m Heather Quick, owner of Florida Women’s Law Group and I’m here today to talk to you about the three things you can do to build your case before you file for divorce.  You want to build your case before you file because divorce can take a long time and during that time things can be forgotten.  Things get erased or disappear and you may lose access to documents and evidence that could be really helpful in your divorce.

What you need to know:

  1. Your smartphone is a gold mine of information.  Think of the voicemails he left when he was not that nice to you and said some things, we might want to use that later.  Screenshot text messages and social media postings.  Those will disappear and we can help you download them somewhere else.  Your phone is an unbelievable source of information.  Imagine playing that nasty voice mail from him in front of a judge.  This goes both ways too, be careful what you send and post.
  2. Gather all documents. Make copies of everything even if you are not sure if it matters or if it is important.  Bank statements or something about his employment, we may not know what it means now but we are going to want it later.  I have been told 100 times that “I saw this piece of paper and it said something about stocks but I didn’t take it because I didn’t know what it meant.”  Take a picture of it or copy it.  Look through what is available to you and we can make sense of it later.  If you do not get it now, it will be gone.
  3. Keep a journal or calendar. It is important to keep a diary of interactions.  You may see your husband interacting with people that you may forget down the road.  They may be related to money, business dealings or other things w may want to know.  If you have children and there are issues with who has the kids on what day or if they brought home late, write it all down.  This can all prove to be very helpful in your case.

This is overwhelming and a lot of information and maybe a part of you is unsure if you can do it.  I know you can, and I know you have it in you to protect yourself and what matters to you.  By doing these things your helping yourself and then we can help you move forward and have the life that you deserve.  When you are ready call us at Florida Women’s Law Group 904-241-0012 and we can schedule a consultation to review your unique situation and provide you with the best possible solutions.  We are here for you to stand by you and get the best result possible.

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