Author: FWLG
Date: Jun 29 2020

person counting money

I’m Heather Quick and I’m here today to talk to you about the three most common questions women have about alimony while going through a divorce in Florida. 

The questions we get frequently are:

  1. Women want to know who is entitled to alimony?  The person who makes less money than the other spouse.  That could be you, even if you are working, but your husband makes more.  It will be the difference to cover your needs.  It could be your husband if his needs are not being met by his income.
  2. How do you determine alimony? It is not a simple process but one of the most important things that we really do for you is determining your actual need.  Sometimes you will hear from other people that he does not make enough to pay alimony and meet his expenses and that is not how it is determined.  The analysis is a comparison of income for both of you and then where’s the need and how do we figure that out based on your current living expenses and we take into consideration what you have spent during the marriage, your lifestyle. Those are some things the court looks at to determine alimony.
  3. Why will I get it? What are the reasons for getting alimony?  It is confusing because there are approximately 20 factors that go into it.  We figure out what matters to give you alimony are things such as what you brought into the marriage, maybe you were a stay-at-home mother or you  put your career on hold and supported his career while he was building his successful business.  These are just a few of the reasons why you may be awarded alimony.

When you think about alimony and divorce it can be overwhelming and confusing at times, we want you to know that there are many areas where alimony applies and it is very fact-specific to your particular case.  If you are in this situation and want to explore divorce and where you stand regarding alimony, call us at Florida Women’s Law Group 904-241-0012 and we can schedule a consultation to review your unique situation and provide you with the best possible solutions.

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