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Author: Florida Women's Law Group
Date: Oct 06 2021

Benefits of Using a Divorce Attorney in Mediation

Mediation during divorce proceedings is a process that allows for both parties to resolve their disputes and come to an agreement about issues in their divorce settlement with the help of a neutral third-party.  The mediator serves as a neutral person to help foster communication and problem solve.  They are not there to say who is right or wrong, but to work for the good of both parties.  Mediators do not provide legal advice or counseling; they are there to be a guide to assist couples in effective communication and dispute resolution.  They are skilled at helping each party see the issues from the other’s point of view, leading to an agreement that is beneficial to both spouses.

Mediators are essential to be that neutral party to keep negotiations moving forward.  However, they are not attorneys, and they are not looking out for your best interests.  Without having an attorney there that represents you, you may find yourself quickly treading water and leaving with an agreement that is not in your favor.  Here we list reasons why you should have an attorney at mediation.

Mediation, in most cases, provides the most control over the outcome, allows for a divorce to be settled sooner and saves in expenses.  Mediation is about effective communication and compromise to reach an outcome that benefits everyone.  Having an attorney by your side that is there to fight for you and what you need is a win-win situation.

At Florida Women’s Law Group, we have the experience, resources, and skills to provide you with empathetic and compassionate legal services.  We are here to provide legal advice and the assistance you need during mediation and divorce.   We represent women just like you to help you get through this and onto a better and happier life.


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