Author: FWLG
Date: Dec 22 2015

When a woman is in an abusive relationship, it can be incredibly difficult to break free from the cycle of violence and abuse. We have detailed some of the biggest reasons why it is so difficult for women to leave abusive partners in a free special report which you can read here.

Whatever the reasons for staying, however, the most important step in breaking the cycle of abuse is to begin by escaping the situation and seeking out domestic violence resources in the community such as legal injunctions, law enforcement, and shelters. In order for this to occur, most abused women will require a strong support system of people they can trust to help ensure their protection if they do leave. But how can you tell if a friend or loved one needs help? How do you know when to approach someone who is potentially facing abuse with your concerns and support?

Today we have detailed some common warning signs that someone you know is struggling with an abusive relationship, or a relationship that could potentially become abusive. It is important to keep in mind that no single red flag is a guarantee that abuse is occurring, but they can be likely indicators, particularly when more than one of these signs is occurring at once.

If you suspect someone you know is facing abuse, it is vital that you take swift action to assist them. If you are facing abuse yourself, please remove yourself and any children you have from the dangerous situation and contact the Quick Law Group. We will provide you with the resources and protection you need to escape the violence and break the cycle of abuse.

Here are some common domestic abuse red flags to watch for:

1) Verbal abuse. Verbal and emotional abuse are no better than physical abuse, and verbal aggression or cruelty can be likely indicators that physical abuse is also occurring.

2) Poorly explained injuries. She may consistently have bruises or other injuries that she makes flimsy excuses for. Domestic violence red flags are not always this blatant, but unexplainable injuries are a clear indicator of abuse.

3) Controlling and manipulative. The husband or boyfriend may consistently try to control the actions of his wife or girlfriend, such as who she sees and where she goes. He may employ manipulative tactics like telling her that he’s the only one that loves her, or that he would kill himself if she left him.

4) Isolation. Abusers will often try to limit all contact their victims have with others, especially friends and family. This isolation is meant to ensure they cannot seek help. Be weary if your loved one’s husband or boyfriend consistently tries to keep her from seeing you.

5) Presents strong beliefs that men are superior to women. Not all misogynists are abusers, but most abusers are misogynists.

6) Substance abuse. Oftentimes alcoholism and drug abuse will occur in concert with physical and emotional abuse of a partner. It is also possible that your loved one may resort to substance abuse if they themselves are being abused.

7) Bad temper. Everyone is entitled to have frustrations, but an extremely volatile temper is a strong indicator of potential abuse.

8) Conveys excessive jealousy and mistrust. Potential victims may share with you that her husband or boyfriend is very possessive or that he always suspects she is cheating. This type of jealous behavior commonly accompanies abuse.

9) Excuses. The abuser may constantly make excuses for his actions, such as “I was drunk,” or “I had a bad childhood.” The abuse victim may also make excuses for her partner’s actions.

Remember, this is just a brief list of the potential red flags for abuse. Be watchful and be vigilant of anything out of the ordinary or suspicious. And always bear in mind, if you suspect abuse it is important to provide support and convey concerns—not blame the victim for not leaving. Do all you can to help connect them with protective resources so that they can escape their abuser. Contact Florida Women’s Law Group today to learn more.

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