Author: FWLG
Date: Jun 21 2017

Parental Rights & Responsibilities in Florida

For women, there is no question whether or not a child is theirs. For men, however, it is not always that clear and it can be very important when it comes to divorce cases or custody matters. If you and your partner were not married at the time your children were born, and there was no “Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity” form in place, would-be fathers may be denied custody or visitation rights for their children. Likewise, if paternity was not previously established an alleged father may be removed from the responsibility of child support payments and other duties.

At Florida Women’s Law Group, we have seen a wide variety of these cases, ranging from those wishing to prove paternity to those wishing to refute it. You can rest assured that our Jacksonville paternity attorneys can help you no matter what your paternity issues may be.

We Can Help You Establish Paternity

With over 38 years of combined experience, our firm has worked with divorcing couples, partners who were never married, and even on behalf of children who require guardianship or other means of support.

  • Prepare and submit all the necessary paperwork
  • Request any court-ordered tests to identify the father of the child
  • Gather documents and other evidence to validate paternity
    Represent you inside the courtroom

In all situations, our Jacksonville paternity lawyers respect the privacy of those involved and work to ensure that rights established under the law are fully recognized and, if necessary, enforced. We are also committed to protecting your children’s rights in matters concerning health insurance, inheritance, citizenship, and other benefits to which they may be entitled.

Our firm is committed to providing the protection and advocacy that your children need in a paternity case. Call our Jacksonville office at (904) 372-1574 to schedule a consultation.

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