Author: Florida Women's Law Group
Date: Apr 23 2021

Using Online Therapy for Divorce Recovery

Going through a divorce is one of the most traumatic events in a person’s life.  Even if you are the one that wanted the divorce, it still brings a lot of emotions and feelings that can feel overwhelming.  Divorce can bring feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, stress, depression, fear and loss of identity.  We often talk about how important it is to get counseling for yourself to help you navigate the process and come out stronger and ready for your new life.  If you have children, it is also important that they have counseling as well to help them process their feelings.

After 2020 many things in our lives changed and we had to learn to adapt to taking care of our mental and physical needs in new and different ways.  One of the more positive things to come out of the lockdown is the rise of online therapy or teletherapy.  The restrictions put into place during COVID had serious effects to people’s mental health and luckily therapists found ways to still reach their clients had help them deal with what they were feeling. 

Popularity of Online Therapy – Online therapy has been available since the mid-1990’s but it was really thrust into the forefront during quarantine.  If you have an internet connection and a computer or smartphone you can have instant access to a therapist that can help with a multitude of mental health needs. 

The stigma surrounding mental health has also changed dramatically over the years.  With celebrities and high-profile people coming forward to discuss their own mental health struggles has really opened the door for more people to reach out and not be ashamed of getting help with their feelings.  This combined with 2020 and how tech-savvy people are now has provided the platform for online therapy services that are reaching millions of people and helping them from the comfort of their homes.

Benefits of Online Therapy

Convenience – Honestly, isn’t everything better when you can sit on your couch in your comfy clothes?  With online therapy, you set the time that is convenient for you, whether that’s in the morning while drinking coffee, on your lunch break, after work or once you put the kids to bed.  This also is beneficial to our ever-busy lives.  With this option you do not have to take time from work for appointments or worry about commute times.  It is ideal for single-moms with limited time or if you travel for work, if your house-bound, there is inclement weather or you’re sick.  Access to help is at your fingertips. 

Comfort – This type of therapy allows you to be where you are most comfortable which has been found to make patients more open and willing to talk about their feelings.  Many patients find it easier to be more honest and talk about things they are not comfortable with when it is online and not in the therapist’s office, one-on-one.  Therapy can seem very daunting but if you are at home and can pet your dog while talking it can be very calming and allow you to share more comfortably.  This allows sessions to be more productive and effective.  Most sites offer an extensive selection of psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and counselors with experience in many areas.  It is also easy to change therapists if you find the one you were initially matched with is not a good fit for you.

Choose Your Style of Communication – Online mental health sites have many ways to choose from to connect with your therapist.  You can use online video, live chats, phone calls or messaging.  Find the style that works best for you or a combination of styles. 

Confidential and Secure – Just as if you were meeting in person, all information is confidential.  Providers still must adhere to HIPAA rules for patient privacy.  Most sites offer high-grade encryption and password protection to give you a sense of security when sharing your personal information.

Cost – Online therapy is much more cost-effective than traditional office visits.  Because the providers do not have the overhead costs associated with a physical office space, they can offer affordable options.  Most online platforms offering different options depending on how you want to communicate and how often and all are reasonably priced.  You also save on commuting costs, babysitters and missed time from work for appointments.  Some online companies take insurance, it is generally state-by-state and dependent on your insurance.  Look into what your insurance provides to see if it is available to you.

Online therapy is an excellent option for most people and especially for those going through a divorce or trying to redefine themselves as a new single woman.  It works within your schedule while still providing a secure and confidential space to share your feelings and struggles.  Two of the most popular online platforms are TalkSpace and BetterHelp.  They offer similar options, compare and contrast them to find which is best for you.

Florida Women’s Law Group is here to help women like you get through divorce and come out the other side better in every way.  We strongly encourage our clients to seek therapy as they make their way through divorce and the many emotions it brings.

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