Author: FWLG
Date: Jun 21 2017

Our Divorce Firm Helps You Secure the Modifications You Need

Like many individuals, you are probably seeking closure or believe that you will be able to put your past relationship behind you once the divorce is over. While this may be possible for simple divorces with no children involved or large financial assets, when divorces involve alimony, child custody, and other complex orders, they have the potential to be modified. That means that you may have to revisit some of the terms of your divorce over time. When this happens to you, count on Florida Women’s Law Group to advocate your rights and best interests.

  • Child custody and visitation
  • Child support
  • Spousal support

With over 38 years of combined experience, our Jacksonville divorce attorneys understand that these matters are of high emotional importance to you and your family, and you can rest assured that we handle these types of cases with the utmost sensitivity and understanding.

Factors that Can Be Considered for Modification

Our firm understands that as time passes, there can be a number of factors that may make it difficult or impossible to follow the terms of the original agreements.

  • Job losses
  • Unexpected expenses
  • Illness or injury
  • Need for relocation

Our Jacksonville divorce lawyers offer detailed counsel on evaluating new circumstances and recommending the best legal actions for addressing your new needs. Whether we worked together on your original divorce case or you are now seeking the support of an attorney that is well-versed in modification orders and agreements, we are right here with you to help make this process as simple and stress-free as possible. We can also make sure your rights are being completely and thoroughly defended against changes that would not serve your best interests.


Ask us about our approach to modification orders and the strategies that may work best for your needs when you call us at (904) 372-1574.

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