Press Releases

Our press releases can give you more information on some of our attorneys and awards
The Florida Women's Law Group regularly issues press releases that provide essential updates and information relevant to women facing legal challenges in family law. These press releases serve as a comprehensive resource, highlighting significant legal developments, community initiatives, and successful outcomes for clients.

By sharing this information, the Florida Women's Law Group strives to keep women's legal rights and resources in the spotlight, fostering awareness and empowerment within the community. Additionally, the press releases often include expert commentary on current issues affecting women, offering invaluable insights that can aid in understanding complex legal issues. For the latest updates and press releases, visit the Florida Women's Law Group Press Releases.

Print Articles

The Florida Women’s Law Group has been featured in several notable magazines, showcasing their commitment to advocating for women’s rights and providing legal support in family law matters. Magazines such as Parade and Jacksonville Magazine have highlighted their expertise and the resources they offer to empower women during challenging times. 

Articles often focus on the unique challenges women face within the legal system and how the Florida Women’s Law Group addresses these issues with sensitivity and professionalism. By shedding light on their work, these publications contribute to broader conversations about women's rights and legal empowerment, making the law more accessible to women across Florida.

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Visit Our Newsletter Archives

Learn more about us by looking at the numerous newsletters we wrote for our clients.  The Florida Women's Law Group newsletters serve as a vital resource for women facing legal challenges in family law, particularly in the realms of divorce and child custody. By subscribing to their newsletters, readers gain access to timely updates on legal changes and pertinent community events that may impact their circumstances. Each edition is thoughtfully curated, featuring expert legal insights alongside practical advice tailored to the emotional journey many women endure during these challenging times. To learn more about the newsletters and access valuable resources, visit Florida Women's Law Group Newsletters. This initiative not only equips women with the necessary knowledge but also fosters a supportive community where shared experiences can inspire hope and resilience.

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